Sunday, November 16, 2008

Start of the fall color oil 9x12 

Texas Color Oil on Canvas board 8x10
Well this past Saturday I was out near Fredericksburg Texas on a wonderful privet ranch for the Oil Painters of America's great paint out. I had a ton of fun painting, enjoying the wonder full scenery and hanging out with some other wonderful artists. This ranch was about 20 miles northeast of Fredericksburg and when people say they live off the grid this must be what they mean. The road to it did not have much on it and the driveway its self seemed to be a mile long.  I did three paintings but I am only going to show two. The third was a quick 6x8 done at the end of the day and while it might be an idea for something larger I don't feel like posting it on the net. I am also posting a few photos of the beautiful landscape as well. 


  1. Hey Mike - looks like you found some great spots! Somehow we got separated from the larger group and never reconnected. It was a cool place and I am glad you got to stay all day. Great work too!

  2. Hello Michael, I found you through Laurel Daniels blog. Your paintings from the paint out are lovely, such rich colors! Thanks for writing about the day, I love to read about painting adventures/workshops, makes me feel like I was there too.
    Glad I found your blog, I'll check back.

  3. Thanks Laurel. Yeah I would have driven around the ranch more but I did not think my little car would be able to handle the rough Texas landscape so I just hiked in with my gear. Hopefully we can do a plein air Austin paint out there in the Future.

    Hi Joan, Thank you for checking out my blog. I am really enjoy sharing expirences like these.

  4. Hey Mike, Me again... I am "tagging" you in a game of blog-tag. I don't really know if it's called that, but you are "it". The rules are on my blog and I hope you have fun with it. PS - I would love to see more paintings, hint, hint!
